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Steering Committee

Steering Committee members provide active and collaborative guidance to the watershed group. They represent core stakeholder groups and interests in the Basin, and they ensure communication and engagement with their communities. The Steering Committee is currently the decision-making body for the PRWG and reaches agreement through processes defined in the operating protocols developed in 2023. The Steering Committee will shape a “strategic plan” in the beginning of 2024. Ultimately the steering committee will work with the technical experts and the public to define a restoration plan for the Lower Priest River and some of the major tributaries.

Current Steering Committee Members:

(Proxies are in parentheses)

  • Erin Plue (Walt Grows) representing Trout Unlimited
  • Jennifer Ekstrom (Karissa Huntsman) representing Idaho Conservation League
  • Mike Lithgow (Eric Berntsen) representing The Kalispel Tribe of Indians
  • Amy Anderson (Jon Quinn-Hurst) representing Selkirk Environmental Alliance
  • Allan Songstad (Eric Johnson) representing Stop the Priest Lake Siphon
  • Hank Jones (Jeremy Patterson) representing Fishing Guides
  • Sean Stash representing Recreational Boating
  • Paul Sieracki representing Inland Empire Task Force
  • Cody Montgomery (Kyle Maki) representing Sportsmen & Women Interests
  • Ken Haagman (Bill Neumayer) representing Priest Lake Community
  • Betty Gardner representing Priest River Community
  • Pam Duquette representing Priest River Community

General Members

General Members of The Priest River Watershed Group are anyone who has an interest in the Priest River and wants to stay engaged. If you receive emails from us, you are in the PRWG. General members are welcome to attend the Speaker Series and may serve on special committees or help with outreach.

Technical Team

Technical team members are people with technical expertise in some aspect of the Priest River and their participation is critical to the success of the watershed group. The Steering Committee has been in touch with many tribal, agency, and government representatives likely to provide this expertise. Technical team members are welcome to attend the majority of PRWG meetings, and will be directly consulted for recommendations and information.